Discover the fascinating field of astrobiology; study life on earth and space exploration on this ExpertTrack led by astrobiologist Dr Louisa Preston.
Join astrobiologist Dr Louisa Preston as you explore what it means to be alive in the universe. In this introduction to astrobiology and space science, you’ll deepen your understanding of where we came from, where we are, and where we’re going in the future.
This ExpertTrack is led by Dr Louisa Preston, an astrobiologist, planetary geologist, author, and UK Space Agency Aurora Research Fellow.
Louisa has studied microbes in some of the most extreme environments on Earth, from the geysers and volcanoes of Iceland to the red acidic rivers of Rio Tinto in Spain.
With her knowledge and expertise in the geological history of Solar System bodies and how life might have evolved on other planets and moons, Louisa is uniquely positioned to guide you through this fascinating ExpertTrack.
From the beginning of our planet to where we are now, you’ll explore the formation of the Earth, how the many interconnected systems of the Earth work, and the history of the life that survives and thrives here.
Discover our neighbouring planet, Mars, the rocky, desert-covered red planet. What’s it made of? Is there water there? Can we live there? You’ll explore the answers to these questions and more.
You’ll also learn about the fascinating research that’s currently happening including the many future missions in the search for life on Mars.
Outside our solar system lies a vast number of star systems and planets with the potential to cultivate life. On this course, you’ll discover what these exoplanets look like, how we might find them, and the ongoing search for alien life.
Then, you’ll crack the surface of our solar system’s icy moons and explore Europa, Enceladus, and Titan, three moons of our closest gas giants. Dive into the theories of what lies beneath their surfaces and uncover the secrets of what makes Titan so special.
Reflecting on what you’ve learned throughout the previous courses, you’ll think about what this all means for human life in the future.
Human civilisation faces a variety of threats to its survival, from climate change to overpopulation. But is there a way that we could move to another planet? And is the colonisation of other worlds essential to the continued survival of humans?
This ExpertTrack is designed for anyone looking to learn more about the origins of life and the possibilities of colonising other planets. No previous experience or knowledge is needed to benefit from these five courses.
This ExpertTrack is suitable for anyone who is interested in the fundamentals of astrobiology, particularly life on Earth and beyond.
It would also be useful for university applicants seeking to identify areas that they’d like to specialise in and STEM teachers looking to bring science to life for their students.
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