Learn to identify opportunities to lead as you gain the skills to demonstrate successful leadership in any role, from Federation University.

Develop essential leadership skills

You don’t have to be in a position of authority to show leadership. In fact, anyone can demonstrate it. Whether you’re in the workplace or looking for a career opportunity, having the skills and knowledge of leadership can help you thrive in any role.

This microcredential will take you, as a new or emerging leader, through a pathway to leadership. Rather than wait for a promotion and to be given the opportunity to lead, you’ll learn to identify opportunities for yourself. With demonstrated examples of your leadership skills, employers are more likely to offer promotions and leadership roles.

As a professional, you’ll develop an understanding of leading in organisations and how to step into leadership roles and responsibilities. By the end, you’ll develop self-awareness and gain the skills to lead with confidence.

Explore leadership styles to find the one that suits you

You’ll delve into the characteristics of leadership and develop a personal SWOT analysis. This analysis tool is used to help identify strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in your leadership journey.

Armed with this knowledge, you’ll explore leadership styles to help you identify the one that suits you and create an individual plan for your leadership development.

Unpack types of leadership

As you start to explore leadership traits, you’ll discover leadership as an action and behaviour, not a position.

You’ll also look at leadership role models to help you create a roadmap for leadership development. With this leadership roadmap, you’ll learn how to identify where you are now, where you want to be in the future, and how you are going to get there.

Discover transformational leadership

This microcredential will share approaches to leadership along with contemporary challenges in organisations such as diversity and inclusion, flexible workspaces, and cross-cultural awareness.

You’ll also unpack leadership theories such as positive frameworks, agile leadership, and transformational leadership to help you apply different methods to your context.

Explore who you are as a leader to develop leadership traits

Finally, you’ll discover who you are as a leader as you learn leadership values and the challenges you may face such as; cultural dimensions, leading across generations, and ethical issues.

With this knowledge, you’ll develop key leadership traits to help plan for your leadership success journey.

What transferable skills will I develop?

Leadership skills are highly sought after across many industries and roles. No matter if you are in a leadership role or simply looking for the opportunity to lead, you’ll gain the transferable skills to show you can lead with confidence.

How will I be assessed?

This microcredential contains two assessments. The first involves you researching and developing a case study on a leadership role model.

The second assessment requires you to create a personalised leadership development plan including key components as learned throughout the microcredential.

What will I receive?

Upon successful completion of this microcredential and assessments, you’ll receive a digital badge and may be eligible for recognition of up to 5 Australian credits (equivalent to 50 learning hours constituting one third of a full course/unit in higher education at Federation University). The eligibility will be issued at the discretion of the relevant Institute of Federation University.

What skills will you learn?

  • Leadership best practice
  • ​Leadership style
  • ​Leadership technique
  • ​Overcoming new leader challenges

Are you eligible for this microcredential?

Learners should be proficient in the following:

  • basic computer skills
  • sending/receiving email
  • using a web browser
  • conducting research using a search engine
  • using word processing and presentation software
  • able to self-direct in learning new technology skills (eg. completing activities in new learning tools)
  • able to meet English Language proficiency requirements for general study programs.

Is this microcredential right for you?

This course will be applicable to any person that wants to develop leadership skills. Suitable for graduates, early-mid career, or anyone wanting to refresh their theory and knowledge of leadership practices.

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