Professional Development for Early Career Teachers
Learn how to manage your workload and explore teaching strategies with a course specially designed for early career teachers.
5 weeks
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3 hours
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The early stages of a career in teaching can be daunting. You’re regularly faced with new responsibilities and challenges. On this course you will get advice and support on improving your teaching skills as well as juggling your workload so you’re able to handle these challenges.
Through the course you will reflect on and identify your professional development needs. You will explore: behaviour management strategies, pedagogical approaches to teaching and learning, ways to prioritise your workload and more.
Before you get started, take a moment to meet your fellow learners and plan your learning journey through the course.
How you can use reflection to support the development of your teaching practice, starting with identifying your strengths.
Exploring different models to help you to reflect effectively on your practice.
How do you organise and manage a large workload?
Reflections and feedback
What’s coming up in the next part of the course.
Meet Professor Terry Haydn and his research into behaviour and the working atmosphere in schools.
Consider the working atmosphere in your classroom and the factors influencing it.
What is a student’s behaviour telling us? How to approach identifying the causes of inappropriate behaviour.
Reflecting on your current practice and identifying a target to focus on.
A chance to reflect on your learning.
What’s coming up in the next part of the course.
Assessment can take many different forms. This is an opportunity to share what assessment looks like in your classroom.
In this activity, we will explore the different forms of assessment and identify strategies you can use in the classroom.
Questioning forms a vital part of effective assessment. In this activity we will focus on Bloom's revised taxonomy and explore strategies to encourage and develop talk and questioning within your classroom.
Consider the assessment strategies you use in the classroom. Do you favour one form in particular? How useful is the information you gain from these strategies?
It is important to have a clear understanding of the use of questioning in your classroom by both your students and yourself.
This is an opportunity to reflect on what you have learned from this part of the course.
In this part of the course, we will explore the impact challenge, support and motivation have on student progress.
Humans seek challenge. However, the majority of people feel very uncomfortable when facing a challenge in a high threat situations such as exams. This activity explores the impact these situations have on students.
All learners will need support in one form or another. This activity explores approaches to differentiation and other methods to support students.
A lack of motivation to learn means a student is unlikely to realise their potential, no matter how much support or appropriate challenge is provided. This activity explores some of the factors influencing student motivation.
This is an opportunity to reflect on what you have taken from the previous activities and a look forward to the final section of the course.
In this part of the course, we will explore the impact challenge, support and motivation have on student progress.
The final part of any reflective cycle is to review your progress, celebrate success and identify the next steps in your professional development.
This is chance to return to the behaviour poll conducted in the second part of the course to see how things have changed.
Lesson Study is a powerful collaborative tool, which can be used to develop pedagogy and address specific teaching and learning issues.
Colleagues are a valuable source of support and guidance. Utilising these relationships through formal coaching and mentoring can be an effective method of supporting any teacher's professional development.
An opportunity to reflect on the course as a whole and how you can continue and extend your professional development in the future.
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