Teaching the Holocaust: Innovative Approaches to the Challenges We Face

Holocaust Education - Online Course


3 weeks

Weekly study

3 hours

100% online

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The Holocaust was the murder of approximately 6 million Jews perpetrated by Nazi Germany and its collaborators. That this atrocity proved possible raises many complex questions which remain relevant for young people today.

During this course you will enrich your understanding of the history of the Holocaust, hearing from scholars at Yad Vashem, whilst experts from UCL will share their research into teaching and learning about the Holocaust.

By the end of the course you will have also considered innovative pedagogical approaches and resources, becoming empowered to develop your own material.

What topics will you cover?

Week 1

Introduction to the History of the Holocaust: What was the Holocaust?

  • Overview of Jewish life before the war;
  • The roots of antisemitism;
  • The story of the late Holocaust survivor Leon Greenman;
  • The beginning and un-folding of the Holocaust 1933-onwards;
  • Emigration options for Jewish people and the reception of refugees around the world;
  • The beginning of the Second World War and the Holocaust from 1939 onwards;
  • The ghettos;
  • The development of the ‘Final Solution’;
  • Resistance and rescue;
  • Concentration and extermination camps;
  • Liberation;
  • Return to life.

Week 2

  • Can young people grasp the enormity of this history?
  • What are the challenges that teachers face?
  • What do students know and understand about the Holocaust?
  • What are the issues in textbooks?
  • Using atrocity images? An ethical question;
  • What are the implications of misconceptions?
  • How do we teach about the Holocaust in a world without survivors?

Week 3

  • What are key pedagogical principles to keep in mind?
  • How can we apply key pedagogical principles in our teaching practice?
  • How can we address misconceptions?
  • How can using artefacts deepen student understanding of the Holocaust?
  • Theory into practice: Developing your own classroom material.

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