Infant Nutrition: from Breastfeeding to Baby's First Solids

Discover the importance of good infant nutrition as well as how to implement it. Learn about what foods babies need, the benefits of breastfeeding and how to start weaning.


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Melbourne, Australia

World ranking

Source: QS World University Rankings 2021

Explore the principles of good nutrition in the first 12 months of a baby’s life

In this insightful course led by nutritional experts from Deakin University, you’ll trace the milestones in a baby’s first year of life to learn about the principles of good infant nutrition and how you can apply them.

You’ll explore the nutritional requirements of young children, as well as why healthy food for babies is so essential.

Discover the benefits of breastfeeding and the role of infant formula

Both breastfeeding and formula can form an essential part of a young child’s nutrition, and you’ll explore how and why this is. You’ll learn about the benefits of breastfeeding and why formula can be so useful.

This course also gives you the opportunity to get to grips with some of the global infant nutrition guidelines and best-practices.

Learn how to develop an infant feeding schedule and how to start weaning

You’ll learn what and how much to feed babies, how and when to start weaning onto baby’s first solids, and practical strategies for dealing with fussy eaters.

This course also gives you the chance to understand why an infant feeding schedule is important. As babies move from milk and mushy stuff to take their place at the family table, you’ll learn why this step is so important.

Understand and identify what foods babies need

By the end of the course, as well as understanding the principles behind infant feeding guidelines, you’ll also know about what types of foods are healthy and nutritious for infants.

What topics will you cover?

  • Infants’ nutritional requirements and the roles of breastfeeding or infant formula in meeting them
  • Comparison of global nutritional guidelines, best practice and evidence-based research to find out what foods babies need, and how much and how often to feed them
  • When and how to introduce solid foods
  • Why participating in family meals is important for promoting food acceptance and preferences for lifelong health and wellbeing.

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