
Explore the key concepts of quantum computing and find out how it’s changing computer science with this introductory course.


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Tokyo, Japan

World ranking

Source: QS World University Rankings 2021


Get an introduction to the key concepts of quantum computing
In this course, we will discuss the motivation for building quantum computers, cover the important principles in quantum computing, and take a look at some of the important quantum computing algorithms.
We will finish with a brief look at quantum computing hardware and the budding quantum information technology industry.
Key concepts will be explained graphically, with minimal mathematics but some deep thinking required.

The English version of this course is available.

What topics will you cover?

  • Waves and interference/波と干渉
  • Quantum superposition and entanglement/重ね合わせと量子もつれ
  • Computational complexity/計算の複雑さ
  • The quantum Fourier transform/フーリエ変換
  • Shor’s algorithm for factoring large numbers/Shorの素因数分解アルゴリズム
  • Grover’s algorithm/Groverのアルゴリズム
  • Quantum chemistry and machine learning/量子化学と機械学習
  • Physical phenomena as quantum bits (qubits)/量子ビットの物理現象
  • Quantum computing hardware and architecture/量子ハードウェアとアーキテクチャ
  • Quantum error correction/量子誤り訂正
  • The quantum information technology industry/量子情報技術産業

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