Learning English for Academic Purposes: First Steps

Develop the academic language and study skills you need to learn in English at university. Join an online course from The Open University.


6 weeks

Weekly study

4 hours

100% online

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Milton Keynes, UK

World ranking

Source: Times Higher Education World University Rankings 2020

Improve your English listening, speaking, reading and writing.

This online course will give you an introduction to the academic language and skills that you will need to study at a university where the teaching is done in English.

You will develop four language skills (listening, speaking, reading and writing) using tasks that a university student would undertake: listening to lectures, taking notes, spoken presentations, reading academic texts (including long sentences and visual information) and writing reports using proper academic words.

Throughout the course you will be able to share your practice work with other learners, to give and get feedback.

  • Week 1

    Building academic understanding

    • Welcome to the course

      Welcome to Learning English for Academic Purposes: First Steps. Find out more about what you will be doing over the next six weeks to improve your listening, speaking, reading and writing in preparation for university study.

    • Introducing our theme: water

      You can only develop your skills in academic English through actual examples, so we have chosen examples on the theme of water, which can be studied in many academic disciplines. Here you start to think about this theme.

    • First steps

      Get started on your journey to academic English and learn how to develop important skills.

    • Reading an academic text

      Find out about the importance of a good water supply as you practise important reading strategies.

    • Explaining what you have read: paraphrasing

      Paraphrasing is a useful skill in academic writing. Try these quizzes to develop your ability to paraphrase.

    • Summing up

      Time to review what you have learned this week, and check what progress you have made.

  • Week 2

    Finding and interpreting information

    • Welcome to Week 2

      Welcome back. Watch the video to find out what you’ll be doing in Week 2.

    • Finding and evaluating information

      Learn some strategies for finding and evaluating information for an academic purpose.

    • Understanding and describing a map

      Find out how to interpret and write about information that is presented in a map.

    • Understanding and describing a bar chart

      Find out how to interpret and write about information that is presented in a bar chart.

    • Summing up

      Time to review what you have learned this week, and check what progress you have made.

  • Week 3

    Describing problems

    • Welcome to Week 3

      Welcome back. Watch the video to find out what you’ll be doing in Week 3.

    • Strategies for listening to lectures

      Learn some useful strategies for listening to lectures in English.

    • Vocabulary for a lecture

      Learn strategies to build your vocabulary for understanding lectures and make notes of new words and phrases to use in your final report.

    • Listening to a lecture

      Listen to an expert talking about current water challenges facing the world.

    • Language of cause and effect

      Focus on the language used in the lecture to describe the causes and effects of the problems related to water

    • Over to you: speaking

      Practise your skills by recording yourself talking about global water challenges.

    • Summing up

      Time to review what you have learned this week, and check what progress you have made.

  • Week 4

    Identifying solutions

    • Welcome to Week 4

      Welcome to Week 4. Watch the video to find out what you’ll be doing.

    • Proposing solutions

      Find out how to use academic language to propose solutions.

    • Using a table for note-making

      Find out how to use a table to note down main points.

    • Being concise when making notes

      Learn how to write short, formal notes.

    • Writing a coherent paragraph

      Find out how to organise information when writing in English.

    • Referencing sources

      Find out how to write accurate references to show where your information comes from.

    • Summing up

      Time to review what you have learned this week, and check what progress you have made.

  • Week 5

    Writing your report

    • Welcome to Week 5

      Welcome to Week 5. Watch the video to find out what you’ll be doing.

    • Preparing to write your report

      Follow the next steps to prepare and plan a report based on the topic of water.

    • Writing your first draft

      Start writing your first draft and improve your editing skills.

    • Summing up

      Time to review what you have learned this week, and check what progress you have made.

  • Week 6

    Completing your report

    • Welcome to Week 6

      Welcome to Week 6. Watch the video to find out what you’ll be doing.

    • Submitting your assignment and giving feedback

      Find out how to make the most of feedback.

    • Writing your second draft

      Now you have a chance to improve what you have written.

    • Summing up

      Time to review what you have learned this week, and check what progress you have made.

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