Loss of a Baby in Multiple Pregnancy: Supporting Grieving Parents

Gain a deeper understanding of what parents go through when losing a baby in a multiple pregnancy and how to support them with this course from The Butterfly Project.


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Give real support to bereaved parents after pregnancy or neonatal loss

Pregnancy loss and neonatal death are always devastating. When they occur in a multiple pregnancy, parents can be especially overwhelmed by the complex cluster of feelings that is evoked.

This course by The Butterfly Project will provide in-depth guidance into what parents are going through, how to provide bereavement support, and how to celebrate each life in a multiple pregnancy.

Gain insight into experiences following multiple pregnancy loss

On this course, you’ll get to explore the unique parental experiences of reproductive loss in a multiple pregnancy and the key challenges that arise in hospital wards and after discharge.

Unpack bereavement support fundamentals for every stage

The learning materials and guidelines in this course were developed in partnership with parents, so you can trust their effectiveness.

From dealing with the immediate aftermath of the loss to encouraging parents to create memories of the life they’re mourning, you’ll feel more confident in every clinical setting.

Learn bereavement support with an award-winning team

The Butterfly Project is a group of academics, doctors, and nurses dedicated to working with parents following neonatal death or pregnancy loss. Their latest research focuses on such losses experienced in multiple pregnancies. With unparalleled parental interviews and accounts, they deliver an exceptional course in bereavement support during and after these tragic events.

The development of this course was supported by an unrestricted grant paid to Skye High Foundation from Elba Charitable Foundation and Inspiration Healthcare Charitable Trust.

Free upgrade for UK NHS staff

A free upgrade of this course is available for NHS and NHS-affiliated staff. Details below.

What topics will you cover?

  • Background to a) multiple pregnancy b) stillbirth, miscarriage and neonatal death
  • Feelings and experiences of parents suffering reproductive loss in the context of multiple pregnancy
  • Complexity of emotions associated with loss of a co-twin, and the lifelong challenges
  • Good practice for health professionals in communication and parental support
  • Bereavement support, and end-of-care; memory making

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