A Nutritional Approach to Agriculture and Food Security

A Nutritional Approach to Agriculture and Food Security


2 weeks

Weekly study

4 hours

100% online

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Modern agriculture and global food systems have become very complex and do not always provide people with affordable and nutritious food. This course presents current research, which aims to place nutrition at the heart of the food system. With a focus on the Global South, you’ll learn about the components of the food system and their link to nutrition and acquire the skills to implement and evaluate nutrition-sensitive interventions.

Discover nutrition-sensitive food systems and develop nutrition skills

To uncover the benefits of nutrition-sensitive agriculture, you need to understand key concepts in agriculture, food and nutrition research and learn about the role of crops and livestock in a healthy and sustainable diet.

You’ll also acquire nutrition-specific skills used to evaluate food and diets and apply them in course activities. This will help you to design and assess nutrition-sensitive interventions. You’ll then examine research-led material on bio-fortification and other innovative food processing methods to understand how to diversify food production and improve the nutritional value of foods.

Discover how to place nutrition at the heart of the food system

As you conceptualise nutrition in relation to food systems, you’ll evaluate the consequences of nutrition-sensitive interventions and policies on socioeconomic and environmental aspects. You’ll also explore the role of different stakeholders and understand the crucial role of women in driving improvements in nutrition outcomes in households and communities.

Learn from the experts at the University of Leeds

This course is based on research led by experts in agriculture, nutrition and environmental sciences from the University of Leeds, the University of Pretoria and FARNPAN.

What topics will you cover?

Week 1: What is a nutrition sensitive food system?

  • Activity 1: Understanding nutrition sensitive agriculture in the context of sustainable development goals
  • Activity 2: The role of crops in a healthy sustainable diet
  • Activity 3: Animal production for a healthy and sustainable diet

Week 2: Exploring nutrition sensitive food systems

  • Activity 1: How to design a nutrition sensitive food system
  • Activity 2: Food based dietary guidelines and food choice
  • Activity 3: How to assess the broader impacts of nutrition sensitive agriculture

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