Pubs: History, Consumers, Management, and Protection
Explore 150 years of pub history, architecture, and management, and learn what you can do to save pubs from extinction, with this online course from the University of York.
3 weeks
Weekly study
4 hours
100% online
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For centuries, pubs have been the focal point of local communities. But recent years have seen more and more of them closing their doors for good.
On this three-week course from the University of York, you’ll explore how pubs have changed over the past 150 years and what contemporary pubs offer communities and individuals.
Considering social, economic, and design/architectural perspectives, you’ll examine the history, development, and look to the future of pubs within communities and our heritage culture.
You’ll start the course with a brief history of pubs, from the late 19th century to the present day.
You’ll be introduced to some of the oldest pubs in the UK, learning how pub styles and architecture have evolved over the years.
Week 2 of the course will dig deeper into the social and cultural role of the pub. You’ll investigate the importance of pubs for social sustainability, and discuss their value as a community asset. In particular, you’ll cover pub consumers, why they visit, and how they use pubs.
You’ll also consider pubs from an ethnographic perspective, analysing pub entertainment and drinking behaviour.
In the final week of the course, you’ll look at the challenges that pubs have faced and the current challenges of pub management.
You’ll learn why so many pubs are closing down, and what is needed to support them.
By the end of the course, you’ll be inspired to do your bit to save pubs from extinction.
In this activity you'll find out more about what we will cover in Week 1, and we'll discuss how you can get the most out of this course.
In this activity we'll share how we are and why we're interested in pubs, and hence, why we're doing this short course.
In this set of activities we'll start to briefly look at the history of pubs, discussing pubs before the 20th century and historic pubs.
In this section we'll continue to briefly look at the history of pubs, including different architectural styles and types of pubs.
In this set of activities we'll discuss some key aspects of pubs in the 20th century.
In the set of activities we'll look at contemporary pubs, then reflect back on your favourite pub
To see how much you've learnt so far we'll end week 1 with a short multiple choice quiz.
Welcome back to Week 2 of this short course. In Week 1 we looked at the history and development of pubs. In this activity you'll find out more about what we will cover in Week 2.
In these steps, we'll be looking at pub consumers, who they are, what they do and how we can study them.
While there is no requirement to drink in a pub most people go to drink and in this set of activities we'll explore drinking in pubs.
In these activities we'll explore pub locations and spaces and how consumers use them.
In these steps, we'll be looking at different pub styles, and how they relate to different consumers and at different pub categorisations.
In this step we'll discuss what else happens in a pub from singing and music, to pub games and sports as well as food and other entertainment.
We've come to the end of week 2 and now is the time to test the knowledge you've built up this week.
Welcome to the third and final week of this short course. This week we'll explore pub management, why we are losing pubs and what we can do to save them.
In these activities we'll look at how pubs are managed and run.
In this section we discuss pub staff, a key and important part of hospitality and pubs.
In these steps we'll look at the market structure of pubs and how this has affected them in the last 30 years.
In this activity we'll start to discuss pubs are under threat and why.
In thus activity we'll discuss what needs to be done to save pubs and what the pub of the future might be like.
Its time to test your knowledge of this final week of this course in the final quiz and test for those who have upgraded
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