Supporting Adult and Adolescent Students with Dyslexia
Learn about the impacts and challenges of dyslexia with this online course from Central Queensland University.
4 weeks
Weekly study
2 hours
100% online
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Rockhampton, Australia
World ranking
Source: QS World University Rankings 2020
It’s estimated that around five to 15% of the world’s population is dyslexic. Despite being such a widespread condition, dyslexia continues to have a significant impact on students’ learning and wellbeing.
On this three-week course from Central Queensland University, you’ll discover what it means to study with dyslexia. You’ll learn about the causes and impacts of the condition, and explore how the curriculum could be made more accessible to dyslexic students.
Dyslexia is a neurodevelopmental condition affecting a person’s ability to read, write, and spell.
You’ll start by investigating the causes and impacts of dyslexia, focusing specifically on difficulties associated with reading.
Adults with dyslexia may feel less comfortable discussing their condition and the difficulties it causes.
You’ll take a closer look at how dyslexia presents in adults, and identify ways of supporting adult students.
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a set of guidelines designed to improve accessibility in education. You’ll gain an introduction to the UDL framework, reflecting on how its recommendations could be incorporated into the curriculum.
You’ll finish the course inspired to make education more accessible to dyslexic adolescents and adults.
How do we recognise and support our students with dyslexia? This week we look at some approaches for learning support.
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