Planet Partners: Tackling the Climate Crisis Together
Investigate the impact of climate change, the research being done to tackle it, and what you can do to take meaningful action.
2 weeks
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2 hours
100% online
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The impacts of climate change are being felt worldwide and across many areas of life. This includes our food, our physical and mental health, where and how we live, wildlife and environmental systems, and political direction.
On this two-week course, you’ll explore how climate change affects different people and places in varying ways and how we, and our world leaders, can take action.
The course is presented by two University of Reading students who uncover what the research shows about the effects of climate change, discuss the impacts, and consider the implications for young people and their futures.
Based on the themes identified by youth delegates who hosted mock COP26, which represented over 140 countries, you’ll explore different aspects of the climate crisis. As you delve into each one, you’ll find out about innovations helping us adapt and the actions you can take to help yourself, others, and the planet.
Finally, you’ll look at how climate change is being addressed globally, such as through the Paris Agreement, and how you can call on world leaders to do more.
By the end of the course, you will be able to speak confidently about climate change and its impacts, understand how it will continue to affect all areas of our lives, and be empowered to take action.
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