Transforming Education in Challenging Environments
Explore how teachers can transform the learning of displaced children and children affected by crisis and conflict with this online teaching course from UCL.
4 weeks
Weekly study
4 hours
100% online
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Teachers play an important role in supporting vulnerable children affected by mass displacement, crisis, and conflict. Refugee children may also be victims of violence and other issues that impact their emotional wellbeing and ability to learn. Teachers need to be prepared to deal with these difficulties.
On this course, you will learn how teachers can make a difference to children from challenging contexts. You will discover how to transform learning spaces and educational practices, and you will share your teaching methods and real experiences of teaching in crises with other educators.
Introducing the course content and the first week's material, where we look at educators as agents for change.
No matter what the physical resources are, teachers imagine a better environment for their students. They also implement simple techniques to realise this imagined space.
The social environment has an impact on teaching and learning and can enhance or hinder their ability to learn. Teachers use various methods to respond to this environment, including the use of digital technologies.
There are principles that frame our teaching and learning processes as transformative educators. These principles can be instilled in our practice to make positive change, and listening to learners is key.
If the basic principles of participation, equality, and acceptance are understood and we believe in the positive role of education it is possible to create space for all children to learn.
Introducing ecological systems theory to help make sense of the wider factors that impact children, young people, and their teachers.
Understanding what children bring to learning and ideas for how teachers can encourage learners to share their perspectives.
There are many occasions when controversial issues come up in class, and particularly when children and teachers are experiencing challenging situations. How can we respond?
Summarising this week's learning.
Ways of transforming our educational practice to support learners' aspirations.
Putting transformative teaching and learning into practice.
Submit a teaching idea for peer review and review others' ideas.
Teachers are not alone, and counsellors and social workers can provide support when teachers cannot.
How can digital methods be used by teachers to enhance learning in challenging contexts?
What digital tools can be used to help teachers design effective learning?
Teachers share their ideas of and for transformative education.
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