Urban Stormwater Management in a Changing Climate

Learn how a green stormwater infrastructure can help reduce a city’s vulnerability to flooding in the face of the climate crisis with this online course from Luleå University of Technology.


3 weeks

Weekly study

4 hours

100% online

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Discover how urbanisation affects the natural cycle of water

Urbanisation reduces infiltration into the soil and instead, removes water through pipe networks and along the surface. This affects the natural cycle of water and makes cities more vulnerable to flooding. It also fails to use the opportunities for water in cities to provide cooling, promote biodiversity, and offer amenity values.

These issues are especially important as ongoing and future climate changes may lead to more intense rainfall, longer dry periods, and increased temperatures.

On this three-week course, you’ll explore how these issues can be addressed using a green stormwater infrastructure to protect cities, its inhabitants, and the planet.

Explore stormwater control measures including green roofs

The course covers different types of stormwater control measures such as green roofs, detention ponds, swales, and infiltration facilities.

You’ll explore their typical design, what the strong points and limitations are, and how they can be implemented in urban areas.

Understand the use of flood mapping

Next, you’ll examine the relationship between stormwater and urban planning.

You’ll explore what makes an area vulnerable to flooding as you delve into flood mapping and discuss whether all parts of a city should be equally protected against flooding.

With this knowledge, you’ll be able to explore the additional benefits of green stormwater infrastructure.

Learn from the experts at Luleå University of Technology

Throughout the course, you’ll be guided by the specialists at Luleå University of Technology. With their expertise, you’ll gain the knowledge and skills to clearly communicate the benefits and importance of urban stormwater management in a changing climate.

  • Week 1

    The Urban Water Cycle and Rainfall

    • Course introduction

      This activity presents an overview of the course along with its content and the teachers behind it. You will also get introduced to the learning community present throughout the course.

    • The urban water cycle

      This activity examines how urbanization affects the natural water cycle.

    • What rainfall do we design for?

      This activity looks at designing for rainfall and climate change.

  • Week 2

    Stormwater Control Measures

    • From pipe-based to green urban drainage

      This activity looks at the limitations of pipe-based systems and new green solutions.

    • Stormwater control measures

      This activity presents different types of stormwater control measures.

    • Choosing/comparing stormwater control measures

      This activity presents various examples of stormwater control measures and discusses their different advantages and uses.

  • Week 3

    Stormwater, Flooding and Urban Planning

    • Flooding vulnerability

      This activity introduces the week and looks at urban functions and flood risk.

    • Integrating stormwater into urban planning

      This activity presents examples of different types of flooding and the technique of flood mapping. It also contains some further information of benefits of green stormwater infrastructure.

    • Wrapping up the course

      This activity summarizes the course and provides tips on further reading. This is also where the final test is found and where you get a chance to give feedback on what you thought about the course.

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