Anxiety in Children and Young People during COVID-19

Learn more about anxiety and how you can support the young people in your life struggling with anxiety during the COVID-19 pandemic with UEA's free online course.


2 weeks

Weekly study

2 hours

100% online

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Better understand the impact of COVID-19 on anxiety in children

The impact of coronavirus can be seen on every facet of our society. One of the key challenges of these unprecedented times is the heightened risks caused by anxiety, especially in younger people.

On this course, you’ll learn what anxiety is and how to support young people suffering from anxiety in the time of coronavirus.

With mental health professionals at the University of East Anglia and partnering mental health organisations, you’ll discover triggers and signs of anxiety to look out for.

You’ll also discover practical solutions for helping the young people in your life, and where to find additional help.

  • Week 1

    What is anxiety?

    • Introduction

      An introduction to this course and what will be covered.

    • What is anxiety?

      A look at anxiety and its causes.

    • Anxiety disorders

      Information on the various disorders caused by anxiety.

    • End of week summary

      A summary of what we have covered in week 1 and a look ahead to next week.

  • Week 2

    Tackling anxiety

    • Supporting a child with anxiety in response to COVID-19

      An introduction to supporting a child during COVID-19.

    • Tackling worrying thoughts

      A look at cognitive distortions caused by anxiety.

    • Having a conversation with your child about COVID-19

      Advice on how to talk to children about COVID-19.

    • Parenting during isolation from COVID

      Activities for parents and caregivers on how to engage with their children.

    • Mindfulness

      A look at mindfulness and how to look after yourself and others.

    • Resources and summary

      Further resources to help and support to help with anxiety and a summary to end the course.

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